Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Betrothal

I was reading a bunch of sonnets on this nippy Saturday afternoon, and I felt in the mood to write a poem based on love.

The Betrothal

Two forms of blemished flesh
Imperfect in their singularity
But when together fiducially bond through faithfulness
They become perfect wholly as one flesh

A bond forged by the heart of God
His gift
A binding knot
An endless coalescence
That binds concordantly these two as one

This betrothal like two eager streams
Feasting to each other in confluence
This conjunction joining both man and woman
Through a bond by which God himself endeared
To make man clutch to woman
And woman cling to man
To form a connubial bond between them
As they lay together in sweetest blasé

A clement gift God so gave his people
Coalescence binds these two
With the drop onto one knee
And a fiery diamond gliding onto her finger
And a sealing kiss to set the promise in stone
And God ties the very knot
And remolds his once blemished fleshes
Into a conformed flesh of one


theteach said...

Have you read The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran?

Kabunky! said...

Wow Teach, thank you so much for the link! I very much was mesmerized by Gibran's prose and writing style. I wonder which prophet he was referencing to or what the name of the prophet was. Do you like The Prophet? You know so many books Teach, you must really love to read everything! What is your favorite book?

theteach said...

The Prophet was popular among college students when I was in school, but I did not develop an appreciation for it until several years after I graduated. Slow learner!! I particularly like Gibran's respect for independence and equality. Look at Marriage and Children.

My favorite book? I don't know that I have any one favorite. For years I read Giants in the Earth annually, but have not read it for a long time. Among my non-fiction favorites are the books Madeleine L'Engle later in life. Here is a site with her books by category. The autobiographical and reflections on scripture are of interest. I was disillusioned when I learned that the autobiographical books were not completely accurate. I am not sure I have ever reconciled what I consider her deception. If you are interested, there is an article in the New Yorker that addresses the issue. It was a feature on L'Engle. I placed the URL at the end of this message.
Her one piece of fiction that I like is Small Rain, her first novel.